New Cydia Themes (Sounds)

Custom sounds for iPhone mail tone and keypad

I've released a few small packages to the modmyi cydia repo.
You can find them by searching for them by name:

Message For Me – IT Crowd Mail Tone
Replaces the 'new email' sound with a clip of Moss saying "Message for me!"

Piano DTMF Tones
Replaces the keypad sounds in the 'phone' app with piano notes.

Plants Vs Zombies - Coin SMS Tone
Plants Vs Zombies Coin SMS Tone

Crash Bandicoot Sounds
Replaces iPhone sounds with sounds from the game "Crash Bandicoot" on Playstation 1

  • SMS Tone - 'Ka-ching'
  • New Mail Tone - 'Ooogabooga'
  • Sent mail - 'Spinning noise'
  • Plug in to power source - 'Wumpa fruit'
  • Error/low power - 'TNT'